We Were Here (2024), the film made by Kuwornu for the exhibition, is part of the journey that began with Inside Buffalo (2010) and continued with 18 Ius Soli (2012) and BlaxploItalian (2016). At the heart of these films is the intention to give visibility to the vicissitudes of Afro-descendants in Western societies: from historical events.
-- Lorenzo Giusti ( Director of GAMeC and
member of the international jury of the 59th Venice Biennale)
The European version of art history has neglected the contribution of African peoples, focusing on a marginal representation of Blacks in the cultural ecosystem of the Old Continent. Journeying through different European countries, Kuwornu retraces stories showing that African contribution was much deeper than what history has acknowledged. Even the artist’s biography summarises the complexity of the movements of contemporary human beings.
-- Maurita Cardone (Art Africa Magazine)

We Were here: The Untold History of Black Africans in Renaissance Europe (2024), highlights the erasures of history that feed nationalist politics today by recovering the presence of Black Africans in Renaissance Europe.
-- Stephanie Bailey (Ocula Magazine)